Sunday, August 24, 2014

Circle of Lords- by Abdulhafeez Oyewole

Once upon a lonely soul,
Deserted by desert and scorching skies,
Abandoned in the bewilderment of caressing climes:
That was off the (many) seas,
Of the vales and of the hills,
That was off the (sundry) green fields,
The clean kits and kitting…

In reverse, was mesmerizing retreats,
Domiciled a solitary reaper,
Who happened to be unaltered lass;
Deserted by the greyish pastures,
Cloaked by the freshness of the (many) seas-
That which she laundered and showered in.
And surrounded by the roses,
And extra soothing green blooms.

Above his and her realm were
Flying insects’ hives,
And feathers’ nests.
Below their confinements were
Arachnids’ habitats,
And crustaceans’ lochs.

He lived in a rousing land,
Where (more) faunae he landlords.
She lived in a ravishing field,
Where (more) floras she landladies.


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