Friday, May 31, 2013

What Guys Complain Most About Ladies- Battle of Sexes Column

                                    BATTLES OF SEXES              
Welcome to your favorite column on Battles of the Sexes, a clash of Titans. This week, I sampled people’s opinion on the topic:
                          “What guys complain most about ladies?”
In my quest to gather views, I realize that most guys are of the belief that some ladies do not have a dress sense, some say that they cannot date or marry a lady that does not know how to cook, others complained about ladies who eat too much, snore while sleeping and talk too much. Hey ladies how true? If not true, then defend yourselves by proving them wrong. One funny thing is that what guys complain most about ladies are what other guys appreciate more about them (Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder). I could remember a preacher who once said that a guy was complaining about his woman that she has big nose. Man…! Leave her alone for she did not create herself. On the contrary, there was this other guy who liked her just because of her nose. An ugly woman in face with a good heart is far better than a beautiful damsel with a cantankerous disposition. I do not mean to say that a guy should go for a lazy woman, CAPITAL NO! I am not in support of it for no man will like his woman to be a lazy full house wife who only sits back at home doing nothing, but waits for her husband to put food on the table. So ladies…better check yourself to know the things you do that can put your man off, observe those things and do not hesitate to correct them as fast as you can. MEN…learn to appreciate women, stop comparing them with every Stella and Cynthia you come across. Hey…guys don’t be too excited cos the ladies are coming to bounce back. WATCH OUT!!!